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play makAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All HBAM2016AUG95 Pro 3.0 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dullCopyright 1984-1996 Claris Corporation and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. HBAM3016AUG95@ business cntct advertising english Pro 3.0F! 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TOTAL SALES SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER SORT ORDER SUBSCRIPTION END SUBSCRIPTION START TAX ID NUMBER TELEFONO TERMS TOTAL DUE BY CLIENT TOTAL PURCHASES TOTAL RECORDS Date CreatedB Date ModifiedB Created byB Modified byB Contact IDB 619921998 1000000000 2001XhTHIS ACCOUNT NUMBER MAY BE IN USE OR NOT VALID, PLEASE CONSULT NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR OR ACCOUNT MANAGER. Contact TypeB BUSINESS Referred byB PriorityB MEDIUM TempB A Action IDB Total PurchasesB Total RecordsB Sort OrderB Cancel Find RequestB Credit LimitB 3,000.00 0.00X YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO INCREASE THE CREDIT LIMIT OVER $3,000.00. Please call the manager for assistance or click the [REVERT FIELD] button to continue... Do you want to leave the information as entered? Credit AvailableB Total Due by ClientB Sales Rep. DueB A$Sales Rep. Total Commission ReceivedB TermsB CNTCT Sales Rep Name Contact Entry View as List Dialog - No Records found Select Customer Dialog - No Records Local Reports Contacts Phone Book 8 1/2 x 11 Envelope Personal Information Avery 5160 Provisional Newspaper Delivery Priority Mail Label Contact EntryB ' & " " & K NOT FOUND Commission RateB Sales Rep NumberB X=Please enter the sales representative number. Range from 6600 Kind of AccountB ADVERTISING Subscription StartB Subscription EndB Social Security NumberB XcPlease enter a number in the form of 000-00-0000. Do you want to leave the information as entered? % ) = 11 ) % ) ) Tax ID NumberB &X1Please enter a number in the form of 000-00-0000. & ) = 11 ) & ) ) 'A Bank NameB Bank AddressB Bank PhoneB Bank ContactB Bank Account NumberB Account Opened ByB NOT CREDIT ACC Included for MailB Credit ReferencesB Mailing List SharingB ClassificationB M RADIO (RADIO STATION OR PROGRAM) Invoice LanguageB ENGLISH BirthdayB Emergency Contact Phone GenderB Sales Rep. Total SalesB Sales Rep. Amount DueB ManagerB =A Pay GradeB SalaryB Next ReviewB Date of HireB Employee TypeB PictureB NombreB CalleB CiudadB EstadoB digo PostalB TelefonoB No. of Newspapers SentB No. of Newspapers TotalB No. of Newspapers RemainingB Newspaper DistributionB Sales Rep. Total Comm. ReceivedB No. of Ret. 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Info Personal Info Go to Invoices Go to Invoices | Acc Go to Main Menu Enter Notes Select Acc for Inv. Select Acc. for P.O. PHONE | FAX | INTERNET Record Date Modified Total Sales S.R. Total Comm. S.R. Amount Due S.R. Perform Calculation #SALES REPRESENTATIVE ACCOUNT STATUS No. of Ret. Checks Dialog - No Records foundB 000-B View as List Reports Data Entry Go Invoices Sales Rep. Info Go to Products Select Acc for PO Select Acc for Inv. Area Code Title First Name Middle Name Last Name Business Title Company Name Address City State ZIP Code CONTACT INFORMATION Phone Number Phone Type Hours Account Number Street (Sorting) PHONE | FAX | INTERNET Select CustomerB No Contacts Found IUNo contacts were found. Would you like to find again or create a new contact record? Create New View as List Reports Data Entry Go Invoices Sales Rep. Info Go to Products Select Acc for PO Select Acc for Inv. Dialog - No Records LocalB Clicking on a customer will create an Invoice for that customer (Click on button # 1 to select the account for an invoice or the button # 2 for a P.O.) BUTTON NO. 1 Account BUTTON NO. 2 Company First Name ^ Last Name State View as List Reports Data Entry Go Invoices Sales Rep. Info Go to Products Select Acc for PO Select Acc for Inv. State Street Address Credit Limit SR Last Name & First Name SR Number ReportsB No Contacts Found IONo contacts were found. Would you like to Find Again or go back to Data Entry? Data Entry View as List Reports Data Entry Go Invoices Sales Rep. Info Go to Products Select Acc for PO Select Acc for Inv. Contacts Phone BookB Reports Contacts Phone Book Manila Envelope g4Creating reports is quite easy and requires 2 steps: 2. Select the report below. Find Contacts k-There are currently << ABBG>> Contacts found. nB1. Find the contacts that you would like to create a report with. View as List Reports Data Entry Go Invoices Sales Rep. Info Go to Products Select Acc for PO Select Acc for Inv. 8 1/2 x 11 EnvelopeB Phone Bookq Printed //r Printed by << AFAAABAFABAB>> Page ## AFAAABAMABCC>> << AFAAABAMABCE>> << AFAAABAMABCG>> << AFAAABAMABCH>> AFAAABAMABCD>> AFAAABAMABCF>> AFAAABAMABCI>> AFAAABAMABCA>>, << AFAAABAMABCB>> << AFAAABAMABBC>> s:Main M Personal InformationB AFAAABAMABCC>> << AFAAABAMABCE>> << AFAAABAMABCG>> << AFAAABAMABCH>> AFAAABAMABCD>> AFAAABAMABCF>> AFAAABAMABCI>> AFAAABAMABCA>>, << AFAAABAMABCB>> << AFAAABAMABBC>> AFAAABAMABBJ>> El Sol de M xico Y LATINOAMERICA AFAAABAFABAD>> AFAAABAFABAE>>, << AFAAABAFABAF>> << AFAAABAFABAG>> ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED R(CODE: << ABAF>><< ABEP>>990517<< ABFB>> Avery 5160B AFAAABAMABCE>> << AFAAABAMABCG>> << AFAAABAMABCH>> AFAAABAMABCF>> AFAAABAMABCI>> AFAAABAMABCA>>, << AFAAABAMABCB>> << AFAAABAMABBC>> C'CODE: << ABAF>>-310-<< ABEP>>-<< ABFB>> ProvisionalB Employee Personal Information ID Number Name Last Name Title Department Phone/Ext. Address ZIP Code Phone Birthdate Gender Emergency Contact Phone Total Sales S.R. Total Comm. S.R. Amount Due S.R. Perform Calculation Notes Manager Pay Grade Salary Next Review Date of Hire Social Security Number Information View as List Reports Data Entry Go Invoices Sales Rep. Info Go to Products Select Acc for PO Select Acc for Inv. ;"Age (Click on the field to update) Newspaper DeliveryB AFAAABAMABCE>> << AFAAABAMABCG>> << AFAAABAMABCH>> AFAAABAMABCF>> AFAAABAMABCI>> AFAAABAMABCA>>, << AFAAABAMABCB>> << AFAAABAMABBC>> A:CODE: << ABAF>> PHONE: << AFAAABABABBD>> << AFAAABABABBE>> Priority Mail LabelB NO. OF RET. 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Show Activity Detail Close File Put Information Correct Fax Sent Info/Notes Find Customer Cancel Find "Cancelled" Cancelled Sort by Last Name Sort by First Name Sort by Company Name Find Customer from Invoices ) = 0 Create New Invoice ) = 0 Dial Phone Go to Main Menu Show Activity Detail ) = 101 Create New Activity Go to Reports Menu Find Customer from Reports Perform Sort Cancel Specify Field Use Dialing Preferences Phone Number Field Value Number Sort by Zip Code Go to Data Entry Find All Customers Preview or Print "Preview") PreviewGB9 "Print") PrintG Find Customer from Contacts = "Cancelled" Cancelled ) = 0 Cancel Please, select a Sort Order or click Cancel.C5 = "First Name" First Name = "Last Name" Last Name = "Company Name" Company Name = "Zip Code" Zip Code = "Custom Sort Order" Custom Sort Order Find Customer from Back Orders ) = 0 Go to Contact/Account Go to Invoices Go to Line Items Go to Personnel Records Go to Products Select Account for Invoice Newspaper (Sol de M xico) Sent : SOLDEMEX # 990517 SENT ON B O + 1 Select Supplier Number for P.O. ) = 1 Go to Purchase Orders Go to Checking Account .A!Go to Invoices (This Client Only) Sort by Account Number Close File Credit Increase Cancel [PLEASE CALL THE MANAGER FOR ASSISTANCE ACCESS RESTRICTED TO AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY] Click the Cancel button to cancel this request... Click the OK button or press the enter key to continue... Change Sales Rep. No. Cancel Containerte Formats [PLEASE CALL THE MANAGER FOR ASSISTANCE ACCESS RESTRICTED TO AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY] Click the Cancel button to cancel this request... 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Commission IA#Newspaper (Presencia Paname a) Sent : PRESPANAM # 32 SENT ON B Change Terms Change Commission Rate Cancel [PLEASE CALL THE MANAGER FOR ASSISTANCE ACCESS RESTRICTED TO AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY] Click the Cancel button to cancel this request... Click the OK button or press the enter key to continue...B+ ) = 1 Cu: COMMISSION RATE FOR THIS ACCOUNT CHANGE ATTEMPTED - COMMISSION RATE FOR THIS ACCOUNT ACCEPTED - PREVIOUS RATE WAS: D - ACTION TAKEN ON: E Open Script Calculate Age Cancel [PLEASE CALL THE MANAGER FOR ASSISTANCE ACCESS RESTRICTED TO AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY] Click the Cancel button to cancel this request... 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Records: Accounts-Products-Personnel:Invoices WRPTH alis &NAME FPTHAWMacintosh 01 HD:Documents: Sol de M xico Records: Accounts-Products-Personnel:Addresses MSPCA NAMEA Addresses RPTHA Addresses Macintosh 01 HD Addresses uFMP3FMP3 Accounts-Products-Personnel WMacintosh 01 HD:Documents: Sol de M xico Records: Accounts-Products-Personnel:Addresses bRPTH 'NAME FPTHAbPower Mac 02-A: C.V.P. Records: Accounts-Products-Personnel: Backup-Compressed:Contacts Accounts MSPCA NAMEA Contacts Accounts RPTHA': Backup-Compressed:Contacts Accounts gRPTH ,NAME FPTHAgPower Mac 02-A: C.V.P. Records: Accounts-Products-Personnel: Backup Compressed:Contacts Accounts Copy MSPCA NAMEA Contacts Accounts Copy RPTHA,: Backup Compressed:Contacts Accounts Copy iRPTH ,alis .NAME FPTHAiPowerBook 190 HD: C.V.P. Records: Accounts-Products-Personnel: Backup Compressed:Contacts Accounts Copy MSPCA NAMEA Contacts Accounts Copy RPTHA,: Backup Compressed:Contacts Accounts Copy PowerBook 190 HD Contacts Accounts Copy MauFMP3FMP3 Backup Compressed iPowerBook 190 HD: C.V.P. Records: Accounts-Products-Personnel: Backup Compressed:Contacts Accounts Copy \RPTH !NAME FPTHA\Power Mac 02-A: C.V.P. Records: Accounts-Products-Personnel: Backup:Contacts Accounts Copy MSPCA NAMEA Contacts Accounts Copy RPTHA!: Backup:Contacts Accounts Copy BRPTH MSPC FPTHABPower Mac 04: C.V.P. Records: Accounts-Products-Personnel:Invoices MSPCA NAMEA Invoices RPTHA Invoices Power Mac 04 Invoices FMP3FMP3 Accounts-Products-Personnel BPower Mac 04: C.V.P. Records: Accounts-Products-Personnel:Invoices KRPTH FPTHAKPower Mac 02: C.V.P. Records: Accounts-Products-Personnel:Addresses Barcode MSPCA NAMEA Addresses Barcode RPTHA Addresses Barcode Power Mac 02 Addresses Barcode uFMP3FMP3 Accounts-Products-Personnel KPower Mac 02: C.V.P. Records: Accounts-Products-Personnel:Addresses Barcode WRPTH alis &NAME FPTHAWMacintosh 01 HD:Documents: Sol de M xico Records: Accounts-Products-Personnel:Main Menu MSPCA NAMEA Main Menu RPTHA Main Menu Macintosh 01 HD Main Menu *FMP3FMP3 Accounts-Products-Personnel WMacintosh 01 HD:Documents: Sol de M xico Records: Accounts-Products-Personnel:Main Menu WRPTH alis &NAME FPTHAWMacintosh 01 HD:Documents: Sol de M xico Records: Accounts-Products-Personnel:Main Menu MSPCA NAMEA Main Menu RPTHA Main Menu Macintosh 01 HD Main Menu *FMP3FMP3 Accounts-Products-Personnel WMacintosh 01 HD:Documents: Sol de M xico Records: Accounts-Products-Personnel:Main Menu VRPTH $NAME MSPC FPTHAVMacintosh 01 HD:Documents: Sol de M xico Records: Accounts-Products-Personnel:Invoices MSPCA NAMEA Invoices RPTHA Invoices Macintosh 01 HD Invoices FMP3FMP3 Accounts-Products-Personnel VMacintosh 01 HD:Documents: Sol de M xico Records: Accounts-Products-Personnel:Invoices Purchase OrdersK Checking AccountL Barcode AddressN Sales Rep. NameO See Personnel Records FMRLA FMRLA FMRLA FMRLA FMRLA FMRLA FMRLA FMRLA FMRLA FMRLA FMRLA Phone NumbersC Activity LogD Show ActionE Main MenuF InvoicesG Personnel Records GenderB Contact Type ValuesC Priority ValuesD Phone Number ValuesE Action Type ValuesF Action Status ValuesG Hour ValuesH Sort OrderI Business TitleJ MailK TermsL"Person Authorized for Open AccountM Kind of AccountN ClassificationO LanguageP Employee TypeQ Personal Title (LIST LISTAI9 TO 5 8 TO 8 10 TO 5 11 TO 5 10 TO 6 11 TO 6 11 TO 7 AFTER 5 ANYTIME VDEFA( (LIST LISTA<First Name Last Name Company Name Zip Code Custom Sort Order VDEFA( (LIST LISTA ADV/MEDIA BUYER DEPT. ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DEPT. DIRECTOR EXECUTIVE MANAGER OWNER PRESIDENT PUBLIC RELATIONS DEPARTMENT PUBLISHER REPRESENTATIVE S.V.P. VICE-PRESIDENT VDEFA( (LIST LISTA VDEFA( (LIST LISTA.UPON REC. NET 10 NET 15 NET 30 DEF PMT CNTCT VDEFA( (LIST LISTAVCHRISTIAN V. SMMA REP. TOMAS V. CECILIA V. NOT CREDIT ACCOUNT CREDIT TO THIS COMPANY VDEFA( (LIST LISTAn[RECORD AVAILABLE] ADVERTISING ADV. EXCHANGE GRAPHIC DESIGN-TYPESETTING PAY IN ADVANCE SUBSCRIPTION VDEFA( (LIST NO CLASSIFICATION ACCOUNTING/INCOME TAX ADVERTISING AGENCY AIRLINE AUTO BODY AUTO REPAIR SERVICE AUTO TOWING SERVICE S SUPPLIES (STORE) BAKERY BALLET FOLKLORICO BAR (NIGHT CLUB) BEAUTY PRODUCTS BEAUTY SALOON/COSMETOLOGY BICYCLE SHOP & SALES BOTANICA-PSYCHIC CATERING, WEDDINGS, BANQUETS CAR INSURANCE CAR SERVICE - TAXIS CAR REPAIR - AUTO REPAIR SHOP CARNICERIA (MEAT MARKET) CIGARS CLOTHING (SALES, TAILORING & ALTERATIONS) COMMUNICATIONS (PAGERS/MOBILE PHONES & PHONE CALLS) MPUTER SCHOOL (INSTITUTE) COMPUTER EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES CONSULATE DELI-GROCERY STORE DENTISTRY DISCOUNT STORE (99 TYPE) DISTRIBUTION (NEWSPAPERS, ADS, FLYERS, ETC.) DOCTOR DRIVING SCHOOL (DRIVER LICENSE) ELECTRONIC/ELECTRIC (COMPUTERS) EMPLOYMENT AGENCY FLEA MARKET (GENERAL MERCHANDISE) FOODS (GENERAL FOODS) FLOWERS (PLANTS AND ACCESORIES) FUNERAL SERVICES FURNITURE GALLERIES (ART EXHIBITIONS) GRAPHIC DESIGN (TYPESETTING) GROCERY GROCERY (LATIN AMERICAN & MEXICAN PRODUCTS, VEGETABLES, SODAS, ETC.) HOME HEATING OIL IMPORT/EXPORT IMMIGRATION SERVICES INCOME TAX-ACCOUNTING INFORMATION PROVIDER (NEWS AGENCY) INTERNATIONAL MONEY TRANSMITTER INTERNET PROVIDER (INSTITUTE-SCHOOL) IRON WORK (STAIRS, RAILINGS, WINDOW GUARDS, DOORS, GATES, ETC.)JEWELRY JEWELRY STORE & REPAIR LAUNDRY LAW OFFICE(S) LIQUOR STORE MARTIAL ARTS (KARATE-KUNG FU-SELF DEFENSE) MEAT MARKET MEDICINE (DOCTOR, PHARMACY, HOSPITAL, NATURAL MEDICINE) METAFISICA MEXICAN RESTAURANT & FOOD MUSEUM MUSIC (CD S, TAP ES AND MOVIES) MUSIC (MARIACHI OR GROUP) NEWSPAPER NIGHT CLUB (BAR) NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION OPTOMETRIST-OPTICIAN-CONTACT LENSES PAINTS & VARNISHES PAQUETERIA (ENVIOS) PARTY SUPPLIES/CREATIONS PHARMACY PHOTOGRAPHER PHONE CARDS (LONG DISTANCE CALLS) PIZZERIA - RESTAURANT PLASTIC SLIP COVERS AND/OR UPHOLSTERY PLASTIC SURGERY PRINTING POST OFFICE PUBLIC RELATIONS AGENCY PUBLISHER(S)/PUBLICATIONS RADIO (RADIO STATION OR PROGRAM) REAL ESTATE RESTAURANT SHOE STORE SPORTS (SCHOOLS, CLOTHING, A CCESORIES & ASSOCIATIONS) TAROT READING (SIQUICOS) TELEVISION STATION (CHANEL) THEATER TRANSMISSIONS (CAR) TRAVEL AGENCY TUXEDOS (FORMAL CLOTHING FOR MAN) UNDERWEAR (FOR WOMAN) UNDERWEAR (FOR MAN) UNIVERSITY (SCHOOL) WATER FILTERS (PURIFIERS) WORKER'S UNION VDEFA( (LIST LISTA ENGLISH SPANISH VDEFA( (LIST LISTA(Full Time Part Time Contractor Temporary VDEFA( (LIST LISTA VDEFA( Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday January February March April August September October November December 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Helvetica Geneva Times Helvetica Black Palatino Times NR MT Ex Bd Helvetica Compressed N Helvetica Narrow Courier Avant Garde Compstyle Espi Sans PowerBar Chicago Bookman MICRSSi MICR12 BT Monaco OCR-A BT OCR-B-10 BT Ajile Albertus MT Brrrrr ITC-Korinna Arial Bold BritannicLight BellCent Add BT Arial OCRAM LettrGoth12 Bd BT OCRBLetM LettrGoth12 BT Futura Md BT ! INT2OF5X1 C Futura Condensed CB Futura CondensedBold Futura Condensed Futura CondensedLight Futura C Helvetica Condensed Futura Lt BT Futura LtIt BT Futura Bk BT B Courier Bold Futura MdCn BT Futura LtCn BT Futura Bd BT Futura XBlk BT Futura Book L Futura Light Mariage Aabced-ExtraBold VT100